10 Awful Things We All Did In Video Games

7. Locking The Butler In The Freezer - Tomb Raider II

red dead redemption hogtie
Eidos Interactive

The earlier Tomb Raider games saw fans relish experimenting around with their at-the-time refined physics engine, flinging Lara Croft to her death to see the many ways her body would crumple - or for some, to hear her comically suggestive death moan.

In Tomb Raider II, few players could resist flinging Lara into Croft Manor's fireplace, but even less could avoid locking her poor, suffering butler Winston in the manor's opulent walk-in freezer.

While Winston does relentessly follow Lara around in a manner that definitely seems at least a little bit creepy, it's pretty extreme to turn the guy into a popsicle.

To be totally fair to players Winston doesn't actually die when you do this, but to seal away a man who just wants to do his job and aid Lara is still incredibly cruel.

Even after having the freezer door slammed in his face, Winston's willingness to serve is still strong enough that he'll actually partially clip through the door in an attempt to keep following you. Terrifying.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.