10 Background Video Game Characters That Change EVERYTHING

4. Elanos Haliat - Mass Effect

Street Fighter 2

The Skyllian Blitz is, arguably, one of the most important events in the entire Mass Effect universe. As well as being a bloodthirsty raid on the human colony of Elysium designed to unite the various pirate bands of the Terminus Systems, it was also the event that most directly influenced Shepard's various backstories.

If you're playing him as a War Hero, he's the man or woman who managed to organise the colonists and repel the invaders, as well as single-handedly fighting off scores of them to critically turn the tide of the battle. He or she is awarded the incredibly shiny Star of Terra, and everybody thinks he or she is very brave.

If you're playing him or her in the far more fun Ruthless mode, then he or she actually got involved in the revenge attack on Torfan. Either way, the Blitz is the touchpaper for the explosive parts of your career, and it all happens thanks to one easy-to-miss character featured later in the game.

The not-as-notorious-as-he'd-like Crimelord Elanos Haliat is the man responsible for all of this and, yet, only makes a very small appearance in a solitary quest where he's b*tch-slapped down and never heard from again. Without him, there's no Mass Effect, but there's barely any of him at all.

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