10 Baffling Changes Video Games Made AFTER Release

6. Releasing A Banter Reduction Patch - Forspoken

forspoken patch
Square Enix

One of the most common complaints about last year's action-RPG Forspoken was that the in-game banter between protagonist Frey and her sentient bracelet Cuff was too cutesy and quippy for its own good, like somebody vomiting Marvel Cinematic Universe one-liners at you ad nauseum.

And even though the game actually launched with a slider allowing players to adjust the banter between Frey and Cuff, Square Enix nevertheless followed up by releasing a patch which altered the inherent "frequency and content" of the bants during open-world activities.

The catch? They did this four months after the game's release to support a DLC drop, long after Forspoken had flopped at retail and more-or-less evaporated out of the public consciousness. 

Given that the only folk still playing the game at this point were likely the die-hard fans who quite probably enjoyed the banter, dialling down the default chit-chat so long after the horse has bolted - that is, most potential customers have sacked it off - was a totally head-scratching move.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.