10 Beloved Video Game Characters You Hated In The Sequel

First you love them! Then you hate them!

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Every game has at least one character that, for whatever reason, captures an audience's heart and becomes their absolute favorite. It can be due to sheer charm, an ability to make everyone laugh, or simply because they were the who a player grew the most attached to.

However, just because a character manages to become a fan favorite, doesn’t mean that they get to stay like this forever. Sometimes when a studio releases a sequel, it makes severe changes to their game, and this might affect your favorite character in a very unfavorable way.

There are plenty of examples where a game sequel has completely ruined a perfectly good character. Their rise and fall are an utter disappointment to their dedicated fanbase, as they lose all of their good qualities and become a mere shadow of their former selves.

Let us remember these great characters for what they were and try to examine what went wrong with them in the sequel.

10. Anders - Dragon Age 2

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Anders is possibly one of the most controversial and inventive figures in the Dragon Age series. When you meet him in the Dragon Age: Origins' DLC, Awakening, he's just a funny, wise-cracking mage who wants to enjoy a life of freedom. When you meet him in Dragon Age 2, Anders becomes a bitter renegade who tricks you into helping him blow up a temple full of innocent worshippers.

The climax of Dragon Age 2 is easily the most intense moment in the entire game, and most of it is due to Anders' treachery.

It's so unexpected, and its results are so grave, that you can't help but want to strangle the guy for setting it up behind your back. The mage puts the blood of hundreds of people blown up in the Chantry on your hands, and then forces you to involve yourself in an all-out war between the mages and the templars, just because you were naive enough to trust him.

Suffice to say, Anders' stunt at the end of Dragon Age 2 has cost him a lot of fans. His reputation crumbled into pieces almost just as quickly as the church he so nonchalantly exploded.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.