10 Beloved Video Game Studios That Didn't Deserve To Be Shut Down

5. Irrational Games

Visceral Video Games
2K Games

Creating both the System Shock and Bioschock series, Irrational Games have been responsible for creating some of the most original and memorable first-person shooters of the past few decades. Seemingly going from strength to strength with every new release, gaining both critical and commercial success along the way, the developers established themselves as one of the most respected creative forces around.

The production of Bioshock Infinite was a rather stressful experience by the sounds of things though, and as a result the head of the studio, Ken Levine, decided to restructure the whole team following its release. Wanting to move away from big mainstream titles to focus on tighter, narrative-driven experiences, much of the staff was let go in favour of a smaller 15 person team.

Rebranded as Ghost Story Games in 2017, the studio has since slightly increased in size, but the focus apparently remains the same. With nothing to go on, it's unclear how the shake up will turn out, but it's still a shame that the developers won't be offering mainstream gaming anything as unique as Bioshock going forward.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3