10 Best Alternative Female Heroes In Video Games

7. Clementine (Telltale's The Walking Dead)

walking dead clementine

You might point out that Clementine has already found her place in many best-characters-in-gaming lists, and you'd be right.

The fact is that some of us can't even speak her name without feeling a little tear tugging at the corner of one eye. There's a reason why she's so beloved among Telltale fans.

As a young girl whose sweetness, intelligence, and resilience outclasses plenty of adult characters, even in the face of a zombie apocalypse, Clementine has earned her place in this list—and in our hearts. *sniff*

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An aspiring Fire Keeper, Tanya writes about B2B marketing for a living and rambles obsessively about video games in her spare time. Insta: @twiggystarblade