10 Best Bank Heists In Gaming History
8. Panamanian Bank - Splinter Cell : Chaos Theory

When it first came out, Splinter Cell helped define the stealth genre as you stepped into the boots of Sam Fisher, a US government operative tasked with taking on various world-saving missions (and voiced by the awesome Michael Ironside to boot.) Sam was equipped with an array of tools and toys that grew bigger and better in each subsequent game, all centered around being as sneaky as possible.
By the time the third game Chaos Theory came out, the series was widely acclaimed and the game ended up on most 'Best of' lists for 2005.
The third mission, in which Sam is tasked with breaking into a Panamian bank, is an exercise in patience. Using your gadgets, wits, and stealth, Sam has to access three separate locks for a high-security vault and the $50 million in bonds that reside within.
However...surprise! Stealing the bonds is just a cover for Sam's real mission, figuring out who was the buyer for a load of illegal weapons fronted by the bank. Along the way, you can also hack into several computers and plant fake emails that make it look like an inside job, as well as collect optional intel and delete surveillance footage.
You will have to contend with suspicious guards, cameras, motion sensors, retinal scanners, and laser alarms along the way, resulting in a fantastic heist mission in one of the best stealth games ever made.