10 Best Co-Op Campaigns In Video Game History

8. Divinity: Original Sin

A way out
Larian Studios

Divinity: Original Sin is one of the closest experiences you can get to playing a tabletop game via video game. A classic RPG in all the best ways, it started out as an indie Kickstarter project, following the success of the likes of Project Eternity in the early 2010s.

With it's 2013 Kickstarter a success, Divinity hit PCs in 2014 and consoles a year later. The massive open world and intelligent tactical combat made it a rich and enjoyable experience, but when it came to co-op gameplay, it went up another level.

The story weaves the tale of the two player characters together with depth and heart. While Borderlands is just a gang of hunters who happen to be working together, Divinity strikes much deeper. Playing in solo, you control both and therefore still experience the whole story, but in co-op, you and your partner feel like you're on a journey together.

It's how much Divinity buys into the co-op side of things which makes it stand out. While sneaking past guards is hardly new for an RPG, in Divinity one character can spark a conversation with said guard while the other sneaks past.

It's the attention to detail that makes this one special.

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A Way Out
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)