10 Best Final Bosses In Resident Evil History
2. Osmund Saddler - Resident Evil 4
The final boss of Resdient Evil 4 provides a fitting finale to all that precedes him.
Assisted by a perfectly-pitched pantomime performance from voice actor Michael Gough, cult leader Osmund Saddler is one of Resident Evil's best villains, which makes taking him down at the end of Resident Evil 4 all the more satisfying. Even better, the fight itself is a great one.
Resident Evil is at its best when you suspect the designers have their tongues in their cheeks, and some of the moments this battle creates make you suspect the good folk at Capcom had their tongues lodged so firmly in their cheeks they could lick their earlobes.
Leon backflipping over a girder hurled at him like a dart? Why not! Leaping on Spider-Saddler's back to hack away at his exposed weak-spot with a knife, instead of shooting it from a distance like a sane human being? Go for it!
A delightfully daft and entertaining boss fight, Spider-Saddler provides the perfect coda to Resident Evil 4, the most purely fun game in the series.