10 Best FPS Campaigns Of All Time
9. Wolfenstein: The New Order

SInce its beginnings in 1992, the Wolfenstein franchise has been a regular fixture in the FPS scene. Its tongue-in-cheek action and steampunk tone managed to keep it relevant with 2001's Return To Castle Wolfenstein drawing a massive following from players.
The series had some growing pains going into the seventh generation however. 2009's Wolfenstein wasn't a bad game, but it felt rather generic when compared with its superior predecessors.
Along came MachineGames, who sought to strike out in a different direction. In 2014 they would completely forgo a multiplayer component in favour of a dedicated campaign.
This would turn out to be a great move as Wolfenstein: The New Order found high praise from fans and critics alike. The game places B.J Blaskowicz in a brutal world ruled by the Nazis. Somehow he's got to rip apart this dictatorship at its foundations and forms a deep connection with the small band of resistance fighters.
What Wolfenstein: The New Order did was revive the series for a more serious campaign that felt distinctively human. Unlike previous entries, you really do care about the characters; the crunchy shooting action was the icing on the cake.
It was easily one of 2014's most standout titles as a result.