10 Best Gaming Reboots Ever

8. Doom (2016)

doom 3 doom 2016

High-octane, hyper-violent, rip-and-tear-roaringly fun, Doom 2016 was exactly the shot of adrenaline the franchise needed.

After the first two games that helped create and define the First Person Shooter genre, and after all the million different versions of those two games, Doom 3 came out in 2004. That game being a reboot in and of itself, it was a horror game that had the player step into the shoes of someone other than Doomguy, making the player a bit more vulnerable than they might have been used to.

It was different, but successful. The developers then decided to follow this up with Doom 4. Which promptly went into development hell.

12 years later, and what came out of the other side was Doom 2016, another reboot that recontextualized the first two games, and put players back behind Doomguy's helmet as he glory killed his way through this fun, action-packed shoot'em up. It was critically and commerically successful, and reminded fans why the franchise was so special.

It later got a sequel with Doom: Eternal, and it's likely we'll see another game sooner rather than later.

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