10 Best Gaming Surprises Of 2023
9. Movie Tie-In Successes

Once upon a time, video game movies could often be a worthy 6/10 contribution to your collection, if not an outright great game. However, the temptation for companies to slap an existing, trusted IP on a half-finished product for a quick buck has always been there.
In fact, "movie tie-in" game as a phrase might've made you wince just reading it. However, things have taken a more positive turn in recent years.
2023 has kept this momentum going with several revivals of properties that - by all rights - could've gone horribly wrong. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre adding another game to the glut of horror 4v1 experiences seemed ill-advised but, aside from the microtransaction controversy, the title was warmly received by players who felt it perfectly suited the movie's inherent chaos.
RoboCop: Rogue City also seemed like it might struggle, especially considering the franchise's poor attempts at films and video games since the turn of the century. However, players found the game to be a surprisingly enjoyable, uncomplicated little romp.
Even 2022's Evil Dead: Hail to the King continued to receive praise with its Game of the Year edition. It's unfortunate end of support does tell the sad tale of online games and their short lifespans in today's climate, but that just means all the more reason to enjoy them when they're worth it.