10 Best Gen 1 Pokémon - Ranked

9. Snorlax

143 Snorlax

Snorlax may be one of the more inconvenient Pokémon out there, but he's also one of the most recognisable.

This isn't necessarily for the best reasons. Regarded as an annoyance in early Pokémon games, Snorlax was constantly blocking the player's way. The only way to get the chance to capture a Snorlax was to use music from a Poké Flute. Although this may seem a bit contrived, figuring this out as a kid was one of the best Pokémon moments out there.

When you finally figure out how to catch a Snorlax, you'll find out that the sleeping Pokémon actually has quite a few tricks up its sleeve. A range of physical attacks and status effects means that Snorlax essentially acts as a tank Pokémon. This is when you realise why everyone loves Snorlax.

The fact that Japan has even managed to make a lifesize Snorlax cushion probably says a lot about how popular the Pokémon is. That's pretty crazy when you consider Snorlax is actually supposed to be a nuisance.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.