10 Best Horror Games You've Probably Never Played

1. Cursed Mountain - Wii and PC


One of the most original horror games out there and it€™s on a console that most people though that was designed for kids. It€™s about a mountaineer looking for his lost brother in the himalayas and there€™s a lot of buddhist and tibetan references and mythology in it to enhance its atmosphere. I€™d say more but it€™s story is exquisitely made and everything is just perfect storywise. Its controls are clunky but the story, atmosphere and remarkable attention to detail is amazing and it shows just how a small developer can overcome many roadblocks in order to deliver an innovative and ambitious experience that not many games delivered this generation. Which of these games have you played? Let us know in the comments section below.

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A huge video game and film fan that's currently trying to get into film school.