10 Best Keith David Voice Acting Performances In Video Games

1. Captain David Anderson - Mass Effect

When gaming historians look back over the last generation of consoles, the Mass Effect trilogy will be seen as a shining beacon - a classic example of how to create a new intellectual property, the series has been likened to science fiction titans such as Star Wars and Star Trek. Developers Bioware crafted one of the most organic gaming galaxies of all time for the first title, improving key gameplay mechanics for the second entry, and bringing the story full circle as the third drew to a close. It'd be amiss to neglect the various complaints logged about the actual ending to the trilogy, but credit where credit is due, Bioware recognised fan unrest, patching Mass Effect 3 to attempt a more satisfying conclusion. Revolving around the customisable Commander Shepherd, the Mass Effect world feels alive, crammed full of ultra-detailed alien species, and notable for many well-developed characters. Key to the human aspect of the games, Captain David Anderson cuts a solemn, stoic figure, metaphorically having his legs cut out from under him numerous times by various parties throughout the epic story. It's the story of a war hero pondering his next move, uneasy with past decisions and worrying about the future that Keith David brings to life when voicing Captain Anderson. The character's age, appearance and disposition reflect nicely with the real life man, which may have made the actor's job feel a little more natural. Even with such similarities, the fictional Anderson is consistently a rock on which the player can rely for council, but crucially doesn't get everything right, something David clearly had fun messing around with. Do you agree with this list? Are there any other roles you've enjoyed Keith David in? Let us know in the comments below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.