10 Best Launch Video Games Ever
9. Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita)
Despite what the introduction said, the PS Vita was not a console which ‘changed gaming forever’. It was a below par handheld that Sony never really felt committed to, and as a result fans never bought into it either.
While the collection of games wasn’t great (neither by quality nor quantity), in Uncharted: Golden Abyss they had one of the best launch titles ever. If the rest of the back catalogue had kept up with Nathan Drake, the PS Vita would still be very popular today.
Though it was released after the third Uncharted game, it was set prior to the events of the first; a perfect way to get newbies on board. For everything Drake’s gone through in the series, his wise cracking, charismatic confidence has never really wavered, so no matter where you pick it up, you’d have a great character.
All in all, the game was just too short, with too few action set pieces in it. They tried to use the touch screen, but it all felt a little gimmicky. However, being great in spots but too short lived with unnecessary gimmicks is actually the perfect encapsulation of the PS Vita.