10 Best Launch Video Games Ever

7. Rayman (PlayStation)

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Technically Rayman was a launch title for the US release of the PlayStation 1 rather than the initial release in Japan, but it’s simply too good a game to leave out. Yes, as a platformer it owes a lot of its origin to some other, earlier games on this list, but it’s one of the 90s best offerings in this once oversaturated genre.

It gets a little overshadowed by PlayStation mascots Crash and Spyro, but comparing the first outings of the trio, Rayman can go toe to toe with them. Band Land is arguably the most creative level of any 90s platformer.

However, while Spyro and Crash steadily improved over their trilogies, Rayman stagnated a little and history only remembers him as an also ran. At least with the PlayStation Classic he’s being celebrated as the iconic hero he is.

Platformers were all the rage on the PlayStation, so it’s only fitting that they have one of the best ever offerings as a launch title. While Rayman lacks the legacy of other platforming greats (Mario and Sonic alongside the PlayStation pair of Crash and Spyro), he’s certainly been prolific, appearing in over 40 games since his 1995 debut.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)