10 Best Legend Of Zelda Songs

8. Saria’s Song

This upbeat and loveable song first appeared in Ocarina of Time and subsequently in Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess and Tri-Force heroes. It traditionally acts as the background music for areas associated with forests or woods. It is also commonly known as the Lost Woods theme after its use in Ocarina of Time.

This song is taught to Link by Saria as a symbol of friendship in the Sacred Forrest Meadow. The pleasant and bouncy tone of the melody links very well with this purpose. The song can be played on the Ocarina to talk with Saria and finds many uses not only within Ocarina of Time but throughout the other games too.

Based on three notes, those being F, A and B, this song has a deliberately modal basis which is used to make it sound medieval and give a degree of separation with classical western music.

A final piece of trivia to end this entry, there is a Goron near the shortcut to the Lost Woods who states that all Gorons love the song. Colour the Gorons the same as the fans in that case.


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