10 Best Lego Video Games Of All Time
Everything is cool when you're part of a franchise.

In an age of arena shooters and battle royale games, couch co-op has been thrown out of the window.
Sure, it’s a blast to put a headset on and slay a bunch of zombies in Call Of Duty with your friend who lives miles away. However, in the wake of It Takes Two, there's no excuse for couch co-op being omitted from games anymore.
Traveller's Tales have been leading the charge with their Lego brand. A joyous collection of licensed games that have teamwork at the heart of the experience. Whether you're boarding the Millennium Falcon or sailing on the Black Pearl, the experience of having someone there with you is just crucial.
The Lego titles all have a distinct charm about them. A witty sense of humour lines every single game, combined with a very authentic portrayal of the various franchise they embody.
While it may be easy to frown upon Lego games as "kid’s games", that would be doing them a huge disservice. There is a reason that the beloved game franchise has survived for 20 years... because they're just so damn fun!
10. Lego Batman

The Caped Crusaders first foray in the Lego universe came in 2008. Simply titled Lego Batman, the story focused on Batman and Robin stopping a group of super-villains who are terrorizing Gotham.
This sounds like basic Batman fodder; however, the gameplay is what really sets this game apart from the rest of the Lego Games.
This is not an open world game like the later instalments in the franchise. Instead, it has a linear level design and chooses to focus on unique suits for both Batman and Robin. These suits grant special abilities such as magnetism of X-Ray vision and they add a nice bit of flavour to the beat-em-up gameplay.
The game also looks great. Traveller's Tales did a great job in recreating both the characters and the world of DC Comics. Outside areas are dimly lit which contrasts with some of the bright interiors harkening back to the 1960s TV show.
Like most Lego games, there is a lot of replay value in this title. A great collection of characters is available to unlock as well as some nice easter eggs.
If Batman is your thing, don't sleep on this game!