10 Best Looking VR Games

5. Superhot VR (PS4 And PC, 2016)

star wars squadrons
Superhot Team

Superhot is a time-bending, clock-stopping first person shooter. It is perhaps one of most imaginary and revolutionary indie hits of the generation. If you want to feel like an effortlessly stylish and lethal action hero, this is the game for you. The premise is very simple: when you stop moving, time stops moving. This allows the player to create increasingly more interesting ways to avoid dying. Either by dodging bullets or madly throwing your empty gun at an enemy.

The gameplay loop of Superhot is incredibly addictive and you'll be hooked within minutes. Although you can play the game without VR, it's obviously the best way to experience it.

The look of the game is something to behold. It is incredibly simple. The pixel style of design fits the setting perfectly as you play as a protagonist that has been sucked into the inner workings of a computer. The environment is clinically white with it's outdoor architecture portraying tones of dream-like brutalism. Your enemies are red but burst into beautiful shades of white and yellow when pierced by your polygonal bullets. You will find yourself fighting through increasingly more diverse environments and it's experience you won't forget.

Superhot is simple, but effective.


I am freelance writer who somehow has the best job in the world, writing about video games and movies.