10 Best Management Sim Video Games You Need To Play

5. The Long Dark

motorsport manager
Hinterland Studio

Hinterland Studio's The Long Dark is a survival management sim. If you've never come close to freezing in the Canadian wilderness, and you wanted to see how you would fare, this is a great game for you.

Although the story is not actually the main focus of the game, there is amazing voice acting from our favorite sci-fi hero(ine), Commander Shepard. Jennifer Hale and Mark Meer lend their voices to the two main characters from the story.

A reminder, however that The Long Dark, is a survival experience. With permadeath being a large part of the game, and wilderness skills being absolutely necessary to go forward, The Long Dark lets you customize your adventure and test your ability to endure the challenges of six different environments.

There is truly nothing as close to a realistic experience as this game. Make sure to keep warm, hydrated, awake, and well. Don't eat rotten food, and don't drink contaminated water and you might actually survive...for a little while.


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