10 Best Minecraft Creations

7. Moment of Impact

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3471/momentofimpact2.jpg Made by Wooraah, this build shows a beautifully created disaster. "It's my take on a snapshot of the moment a meteorite collides with a minecraft world. I managed a mega fail at one point and accidentally set the whole thing on fire with all the lava , so had to start from scratch on the meteorite again." So twice he made this, and I thank him for it.

8. Playable Guitar

http://youtu.be/kGFZ9beEgdI My second favourite, this playable guitar by disco_ (creator of Temple of Notch and Cake Defence) is absolutely immense. Using a staggering amount of pistons and redstone, you can step on individual pressure pads to change the chords that are playing, almost instantaneously. There are 10 open chords arpeggios available, and as the video beneath shows, it's ridiculously complicated http://youtu.be/oAQKKI9OJLg
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My name is Jay. You may have guessed. I am a writer, a blogger, a visionary, a lover. On occasion. Music, Technology and Sport are areas I would love to progress rapidly, as they are a core part of my life outside of writing. A myriad of interests take up the rest of my time, and when I’m not doing anything in particular, I’m doing very fascinating and significant stuff.