10 Best New Video Game Characters Of 2017

7. Sigrun Engel (Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus)

Horizon Zero Dawn

Interestingly, Sigrun Engel - who appears in this year's brilliant Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - proved to be a rather divisive character and was met with a mixed reaction by fans in 2017. And yet none can deny her right as a three-dimensional character of the highest order, with more layers than a Victoria sponge cake.

Sigrun Engel is introduced to gamers as the daughter of Frau Engel, one of New Colossus' main villains. Unlike her mother, however, Sigrun is no Nazi and is constantly berated by her mother for being fat, for eating too much, for generally being the sort of human being that the Nazis sought to eradicate.

At first Sigrun is established as a kind of comedic character, and the makers of the game could easily have left it at that: no stakes, no development. What happens instead is more remarkable, though, because they choose to position her as a genuine hero: she turns against her mother and joins you, the player, as a member of the anti-Nazi resistance, becoming a key figure in the story.

As with so many characters on the list, it's the voice acting that helps to renders the character in all their dimensions, and the same goes for Sigrun. Kudos to voice actor Alyssa Preston, then, but also to the entire Wolfenstein team, who brought this unexpectedly lovable and entirely original character to life with real respect.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.