10 Best Normal Monsters In Yu-Gi-Oh

9. Red-Eyes Black Dragon

An anime and fan favourite, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon has always been one of the most iconic monsters in the game.

The thing about boss monsters from the early days of the anime is Konami love to print support for them. In the show, Joey and his signature Red-Eyes were all about direct damage, and this was reflected in later Red-Eyes support such as Inferno Fire Blast and Meteor Black Comet Dragon.

Red-Eyes has never been top tier but all that's about to change with the 2020 Summer Mega-Tins printing Dragun of Red-Eyes, a powerful fusion monster of both the Dark Magician and the Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

Staying on brand the Dragun of Red-Eyes destroys monsters and inflicts damage equal to their attack. The monster does a bunch of other things like negating effects but the main thing you need to know is it's been tearing up the competitive scene in the OCG and will surely do the same when it drops in the TCG in just few months.

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Trading card aficionado. Stubborn Sega fan.