10 Best PlayStation 1 Multiplayer Games

7. Bishi Bashi Special

bishi bashi special

Bishi Bashi Special consists of a series of mini-games in which players compete against each other to pick up the victory. The player with the most victories wins the game.

Simple as that.

It is also the single most brilliantly Japanese thing released on PS1. Think of the Wario Ware series and crank the craziness up to 11. The games rarely come with an explanation and are so just-go-with-it insane, they melt your brain in the best way.

However, the insanity is very much part of the fun of this game and adds to the replay value. Once you begin to understand what the holy Hell is going on, the games become a genuine challenge that you and anyone else you are playing with will look forward to batting each other in.

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Sony PS1
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In my free time, I can usually be found in my darkened living room, playing video games or watching movies. I tend to work a lot of night shifts so my out-of-whack body clock is built for such hobbies. Feel free to drop me a tweet at @callummcewan.