10 Best Pokémon To Beat Generation 1
Gotta Catch 'Em All! Or maybe just these ten?

When Professor Oak pushes you out the door with a powerful monster shoved in your pocket on a quest to “Catch ‘Em All”, the task can seem very daunting. Not only that, Eight Gym Leaders, Team Rocket, the Elite Four and the Champion are all standing in your way. Luckily for you, the Kanto region is teeming with a variety of Pokémon for you to catch, raise and train to help on your road to victory.
But which Pokémon should you choose? After all, you only have six coveted slots in your party and you have to make them count. Sure the power of Legendary Pokémon like Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Mewtwo seems appealing, but these aren’t encountered until the end of your journey. You won’t be scooping up Mewtwo for your Gym Battle with Brock!
Thats where this list comes in, counting down the best Pokémon you can encounter along the way and to help you make the strongest team possible. These might not be the strongest Pokémon that the Kanto experience has to offer, but they can certainly get the job done.
10. Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise

Type(s): Water.
Location(s): Pallet Town (Squirtle).
The first Pokémon every player gets access to is their Starter Pokémon, given to them by Professor Oak at the start of the game. As with every generation, you will get the choice of three different Pokémon, one Grass, one Fire and one Water, to take with you on your journey.
Charmander is the popular choice out of the three Kanto Starter Pokémon, evolving into the ever powerful Charizard. However, Charmander’s Fire typing can be a detriment to this Pokémon, especially early on when going up against the first two Gym Leaders: Brock and Misty. The Fire type is weak to both Rock and Water, giving you an early disadvantage.
Squirtle, on the other hand, has the Water typing. Learning the move ‘Bubble’ by level 8 allows for the player to have a strong move to take on both Brock and Mt. Moon. Later in the game, Blastoise will give the player an advantage against both Blaine and Giovanni as the Water type is super effective on both Fire and Ground.
Blastoise also has access to the HM move ‘Surf’, which is used to traverse the Kanto region's aquatic areas. Having Blastoise on the team means that the player won’t need to fill up another valued party slot with a Pokémon who can use this move.