10 Best RPG Characters Of All Time

4. Kassandra - Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

the witcher 3 geralt
Syfy Wire

Kassandra might not be your favourite Assassin’s Creed protagonist but she is mine which is a big statement because AC games are stacked with deeply likeable protagonists.

Luckily for me, we’re only focussing on RPG protagonists and Kassandra happens to have cropped up after the franchise went the way of the RPG so I get to include her on my list.

Where Cloud has a long journey of figuring out who he is while largely being the strong silent type, Kass has a long journey of figuring out who she is while bemoaning and sassing the parade of weirdos populating Ancient Greece.

Sure, she sets off to eliminate an evil cult, fight in a civil war, take on every Joe Blow’s busywork, and a slew of towering mythological beasts, but she does it all with a delightfully fed up attitude that the Grecian bozos she spends most of her time helping more than deserve.

In case you haven’t personally had the pleasure, in short she’s the GTA meme “ah s**t, here we go again” of AC protagonists.

She’s also tough as nails so you get to be an unstoppable powerhouse on top of it all. AC Odyssey teeters so successfully between serious impactful moments and silly ones and Kassandra mirrors that balance perfectly to make Odyssey one of the more entertaining and light-hearted entries in the franchise.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.