10 Best RPG Characters Of The Last 10 Years

9. Parvati Holcomb - The Outer Worlds (2019)

Panam Cyberpunk 2077
Obsidian Entertainment

One of the thrills of delving into a dialogue-heavy RPG is getting to know loveable characters. The Outer Worlds is no stranger to this, as space has plenty of fascinating folk to talk to. Picking between them is tough, but every Outer Worlds fan knows that Parvati Holcomb is a cut above the rest.

This charming engineer is so likeable that you'd have to have a heart of stone not to fall for her. She's an upbeat and friendly individual who cares deeply about others, but is also insecure and naive. As such, you just want what's best for her.

Your love for this character also gets multiplied by a billion during the "Don't Bite The Sun" side quest, where you help this shy and anxious engineer go on the perfect date with Junlei. Our hearts can't take the wholesomeness!

Seeing this character grow in confidence is almost as satisfying as maxing out your levels in this epic RPG. It would also be remiss not to mention the excellent LGBTQI+ representation that she brings to the table. She really is something special!


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!