10 Best RPG Characters Of The Last 10 Years

8. Kim Kitsuragi - Disco Elysium (2019)

Panam Cyberpunk 2077

For anyone who hasn't played Disco Elysium, just know that its a wild and chaotic RPG with a leading character who throws convention by the wayside. However, while the player character is a loose canon, he has someone to keep his behaviour in check.

Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi (pictured above on the left) is the glue that keeps this title together. Sure, the player character - Harry Du Bois - is the kind of wacky and unpredictable mess everyone loves to play as but his investigation partner is the driving force behind this operation.

Kim is a dedicated, intelligent, and gifted lieutenant of the Revachol Citizens Militia. He takes his job very seriously; in fact he's so devoted to his work that it makes him initially feel standoffish and stoic.

However, while he's always overly serious, you'll see a lighter side to him as the game progresses and he opens up. By the end you'll think you really are friends with the guy.

Other characters (like Cuno and Klaasje) deserve a spotlight too but Kim really does steal the show in this one-of-a-kind video game.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!