10 Best RPGs Of 2015

9. Age Of Decadence

This overlooked gem, set in a semi-magical post-apocalyptic universe based loosely around the fall of the Roman Empire, is the closest game in this list to a true tabletop RPG, focusing on giving you maximum choice about how you approach the world. The game begins by emphasising to you that combat should be your last resort as a way of resolving a situation. Heed these words wisely, otherwise it won't be long before you're reloading the game each time you try to slash up a group of bandits - or civilians. While combat is a deep, tactical mechanic in the game, you're encouraged more to take advantage of its rich dialogue systems and a wealth of options in relation to character interactions and questing. True to the traditional RPG rulebook, the type of character that you create at the start of the game will have a huge impact on how you play the game, so it's worth thinking about carefully before you wander into the world; Age of Decadence doesn't hold your hand, and choosing a class that doesn't suit your play style will only end in tears and reloads. Age of Decadence may not look stunning, but beyond the surface lies a surprisingly deep RPG with an excellent focus on branching narratives, player choice and customisation. Buy Age of Decadence at GOG

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.