10 Best Samurai & Ninja Video Games Of All Time

9. Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

ninja gaiden
Team Ninja

Let me ask you something: Do you hate yourself? If your answer is yes, then I've got just the game for you: Ninja Gaiden. Because it hates you, too.

The OG of the hard-to-be-hard scene, the 2004 reboot and its sequels are known for crisp controls and unrelenting difficulty.

The 2021 Master Collection makes it very easy to decide which one gets preference on this list, because it's all 3 of them (yes, even the third). The biggest complaints about the collection are that it lacks multiplayer and that it doesn't do anything to change the formula or mechanics of the games they're remaking. But since the collection is using the Sigma version, you can rest assured that it's already about as good as it can be.

With the Sigma remakes for 1 and 2, you get the crispest controls, best framerates, and least infuriating camera. Though, if you're a complete masochist, be warned, Sigma games are perceived to be easier experiences, partially due to a reduction in on-screen enemies - likely to fix framerate issues the original reboots had.

One and two are still seminal titles, while the third (this version anyway) is an underrated sequel.

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Ninja Gaiden
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Author of Escort (Eternal Press, 2015), co-founder of Nic3Ntertainment, and developer behind The Sickle Upon Sekigahara (2020). Currently freelancing as a game developer and history consultant. Also tends to travel the eastern U.S. doing courses on History, Writing, and Japanese Poetry. You can find his portfolio at www.richardcshaffer.com.