10 Best Sci-Fi RPGs Of All Time

5. Mass Effect 2

Cyberpunk 2077

All these years later, BioWare is still trying to re-bottle the lightning that was Mass Effect 2. 

Considered by many fans to be the masterpiece of the entire company, only in competition with Dragon Age Origins (literally the most ambitious game they've ever put out, to give you an idea) Mass Effect 2 is what got the series' popularity really rolling. 

After being lovingly introduced to the business end of a planet's orbit by the Collectors, Commander Shepard wakes up two years later to the news that all their friends are gone, the council has covered up the Reapers, the guys who brought them back are the human supremacist group Cerberus, and the Collectors are now rounding up entire human colonies. Concluding that this is some BS, Shepard decides to work with Cerberus to take down the Collectors and save the lost colonists. 

Everything that made the first Mass Effect fun has been fine-tuned like a Swiss watch, while everything that held it back has been either replaced with something better or removed outright. The cover system has been improved through careful level geography to provide the most fun you can get out of this otherwise stale gameplay format. And the characters are some of the greatest in gaming history. 

Mass Effect 2 was what truly put the series, and BioWare as a company, on the map. 

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?