10 Best Sci-Fi Video Game Characters Of All Time

6. BD-1 - Jedi: Fallen Order

mass effect garrus

BD-1 is yet another droid in the long line of cute, useful and devilishly mischievous companions.

Cal Kestis' journey following the harrowing Order 66 is a familiar affair, despite never wielding a dull moment. A threatening villain, glitzy lightsaber duels and plenty of obtuse alien planets are paired with a recognisable 'Soulsborne' gameplay formula, repetitive tomb raiding and Nathan Drake-esque climbing sections. It's an unapologetic concoction of other people's ideas, but the influence that works best is surely the droid-human partnership that we've seen in Star Wars properties before.

As Cal heads to an ancient vault on Bogano, he happens upon BD-1 who leads him to the next breadcrumb on his journey. It's a partnership that's born of necessity, and throughout Jedi: Fallen Order the little droid ensures that Cal --and even the player-- don't feel alone.

BD-1 is Clank to Cal's Ratchet, Kazooie to Cal's Banjo. A delightful presence throughout, BD-1 assists in Cal's quest and makes the task a more managable one, from dispensing healing items to projecting holograms.

His appearance is somewhat familiar to players of MMO The Old Republic, as that game featured RE-1, a seemingly one-eyed variant of BD-1, so his cuteness is known across multiple games, in multiple genres. Pretty neat.

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Mass Effect
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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.