10 Best Sci-Fi Video Games You've Never Played
3. Descent (1995)

First-person shooters were some of the most successful games developed in the 1990s, and while that hasn't exactly changed with modern Triple-A titles, most modern FPSs tend to share a lot of the same mechanics. 1995's Descent was an FPS, but it redefined how those games were played by enhancing just about everything.
Descent was the first true 3D FPS, and the graphics were exceptionally well done when compared to the flat 2D games that came before it. Players took control of a spaceship, which they flew into an off-world mining facility to destroy dangerous robots infected by an alien computer virus.
Instead of running through levels and shooting everything that moved, Descent put the player into a 3D landscape, which they could fly through as if it were a space flight simulator. This meant that you could fly up into passages through the ceiling, or down through shafts in the floor, making the entire level your playground with no limitations.
While you can fire up the old MS-DOS version via an emulator, you don't necessarily have to do this any longer.
A successful Kickstarter campaign is bringing the game back in a big way. A new title, which will be called Descent, is expected to release on PC and all major game consoles. Technically, it's an entirely new game, which serves as a prequel to the series and will introduce its innovative and unique mechanics to a new generation of gamers.