10 Best Secrets In Enter The Gungeon

8. Monster Manuel

enter the gungeon
Dodge Roll

Ser Manuel is the kind yet snarky ghost that teaches you how to survive within the ever shifting walls of the titualar Gungeon and granting you the gift of the dodge roll. He is found in the central hub area normally, but he can also be found inside the Gungeon itself.

Sitting inside hidden rooms wearing an owl costume, Ser Manuel can take on the guise of Monster Manuel to test your metal. It’s almost like the Monster Book of Monsters from Harry Potter, except not at all. But what it is like is imagining your favorite (or least favorite) teacher or professor showing up to class on Halloween wearing the most ridiculous costume they can find and trying to scare you.

In this case they chose an owl costume and also in this case they are trying to murder you. Ser Manuel may not seem like a big threat, after all you took him down before when training, but any man who manages the tutorial must be one with great skill and should be watched closely.


Introduction? But what if I don't know what to say? Just say anything? Um... alright... KIWI!