10 Best Side-Scrolling Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time

9. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (Sega Genesis)

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It's not often you see a game based on a movie grace a "greatest of all time" list, that is unless it's a list about the best games based on movies. But the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers translate so well into a beat 'em up game, it lead to a fun and memorable experience, especially for fans.

The game follows the plot of the film along with a little bit of backstory, as the Rangers take on Ivan Ooze. Players can choose between any of the six Rangers, and during certain boss stages can even take control of a Megazord. It's this feature that really sets the game apart and was such a joy for fans of the series.

Just like in the show, you'd control a giant Megazord in a one-on-one battle with a giant boss. It took the turn from side scrolling beat 'em up to a classic fighter and made the boss battles feel just a little more epic.

What made gameplay even better - and really drove home that Power ranger's feel - was the soundtrack, which consisted entirely of music from the show, of course in that classic 16-bit fashion. It even included the infamous theme song, which would pump you up as the game started.

While this game may have gone under the radar for most, it was certainly a fun game. The gameplay switch up for boss battles was something that was welcomed, and this was an incredible treat for fans of the show. If for some reason you missed this game, find it and play it and you will not be disappointed.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.