10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming History

8. Jack (BioShock)


Right at the start of the game, we hear someone who might be Jack or might be someone next to him on the trip to Rapture. Therefore, there’s definitely an argument to be made that he perhaps doesn’t quite fit here. However, considering his silence in Rapture forms an important part of the plot and symbolism in a game already dripping with imagery, he’s worth exploring.

So, would you kindly forget those opening exchanges, just for now?

Although Would You Kindly has become the ‘Bruce Willis Is A Ghost’ of the gaming world, at the time the fact you were playing as a brainwashed individual was a gripping twist.

It transpires throughout the game that player character Jack has been hypnotised with trigger phrase of ‘would you kindly’. It’s a stellar premise and even after the reveal, the game manages to have fun with it. This only serves to make Jack’s silence all the more important though.

He’s not just a faceless, wordless hero for you to project yourself onto. In fact, he’s little more than a drone, being driven around Rapture at will. Your thumbs might be on the joysticks, but there’s a much higher power actually pulling the strings.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)