10 Best Spectacle Fighter Video Games Of All Time

4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

metal gear rising

And we didn't think the Metal Gear franchise could get any weirder. We foolishly thought that water-walking vampires and soldiers made out of bees was the tip of the batsh*t iceberg, but then Konami gave Platinum Games the keys to the banter bus.

Inside was a futuristic hellscape where MGS 4's apocalyptic approach to privatised military factions had reigned supreme; a world where Raiden was now more an anime ninja than ever - someone with super-strength that could toss a Metal Gear Ray over his shoulder and off down the street.

Combat was suitably sped up to let you dodge, counter and skewer foes by the truckload, but you also had "Blade Mode": A time-slowing way to precisely cut an enemy into literally a few thousand pieces.

Boss fights were complete insanity, you had a pet wolf, one of Raiden's alternate outfits included a sombrero, you ripped out spines to restore health and the final fight was against a living embodiment of right-wing politics gone mad, ALL as it poked fun at Metal Gear's own self-serious nature.

What's not to love?

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