10 Best Sports Video Games Of 2016

4. NHL 17

Steep game

Just like Madden, NHL may feel repetitive for someone not invested in hockey, but it has really improved over the years, especially in the goaltending department. There are also unlockable celebrations, although it sucks that you can only pick one per player. Another great feature is the Draft Champions mode, which is the mainstay of most sports games these days. There's also World Cup of Hockey mode for all the fans of international competition.

The commentary is second to NBA 2K17, as the commentating duo isn't as prone to mistakes as those in other sports video games. The same goes for the graphics and presentations, which don't differ that much from last edition, yet still feel fresh and fine.

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I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.