10 Best Starting Areas In Open-World Video Games
3. Bully - Bullworth Academy
Problem student Jimmy Hopkins finds himself enrolled in Bullworth Academy, a cruel institution that forces him to navigate his way through the various cliques in the midst of an ongoing power struggle. Whilst doing normal missions and side quests, players will also have to attend classes where they will 'learn' English, Maths, Chemistry, and Art, amongst other subjects.
On the campus, there are various buildings to run around, such as both the boy's and girl's dorms, although don't get caught in the latter being a creep, the library, a gymnasium with a full-length football field out back, and an observatory where all the nerds hang out.
Jimmy can talk to, romance, help, or beat up whomever he pleases as he attempts to prove he is the toughest guy on campus. Just be sure to not fight the prefects as "they always get their man," despite how overgrown and punchable they may be.
The grounds of the boarding school are quite a lot to get through in itself before players are allowed to explore the rest of the town, which makes it a supremely vast open-world experience for a game released in 2006.