10 Best Super Mario Fan Theories That Explain Everything

6. Doctor Mario Is Not Mario

King Boo Bowser

Dr. Mario is a Tetris-inspired puzzle series where the player has to line up MegaVitamins to destroy viruses. Upon it's release, gamers were a little confused by Mario's sudden career change. Why did the Italian plumber suddenly decide to practise medicine?

Better yet, when did this happen? You need eight years of training to achieve a medical degree. How does he have the time when he's saving the world?

When Dr. Mario appeared as a separate character alongside the regular Mario in Super Smash Bros. Melee, a new fan-theory was born; what if Dr. Mario is Mario's brother? His skin is more tanned and his hair is auburn, not brown. If he is the real Mario, wouldn't he look the same?

At first, you might think "If this is true, why is his name also Mario?". Well, it's implied that Mario's surname is also Mario. (This was the case in the Super Mario Bros. movie.) Why else would Luigi and him be called the Mario Bros unless that was their last name?

Also, how come Mario NEVER demonstrates his medical abilities outside the Dr. Mario series? When he gets injured, he heals by collecting coins! What kind of medical remedy is that?!!!

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