10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Decade

3. Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder (Dark Souls)

Batman Arkham City Mr Freeze

Choosing the best Dark Souls boss for this list, hell choosing just one out of the entire From Software library, was a herculean task. But in the end, you just gotta hail to the king.

Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder is the only bad guy in the original Dark Souls that you KNOW you're gonna have to go toe to toe with at some point. Whereas other monsters get the drop on you, are obstacles in your path, or are necessary to make yourself stronger, Gwyn is looming over the horizon as a constant reminder that no matter how strong the enemy you're facing now is, you're nowhere near done yet.

In a game where two or three good hits from a random mook can put you out to pasture regardless of how good your armor is, it's hard to convey just how hard Gwyn hits you. If you don't have your timing down pat, roll harder and faster than Sonic working in a bakery on crack, and know exactly when to take the shot, you'll be dead in seconds.

And that's not even getting into the atmosphere of this fight. If you know the backstory to all of this nonsense, then you know just how sad this fight is, and how much of a tragedy the character of Gwyn is.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?