10 Best Video Game Boss Battles YOU COULDN'T PLAY

3. Sauron - Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor 

metal gear solid 4 vamp
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

After protagonist Talion is resurrected at the start of the game, players spend most of their time in Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor amassing the forces needed to avenge the ranger's family.

With Talion’s army by his side, the climax sees him advance on the Black Gate for the final confrontation.

In true Lord Of The Rings fashion, what follows is an epic battle that sees Talion fight his way through hordes of Uruk to reach the gates. There, he finally meets his family’s killer, The Black Hand Of Sauron. But before Talion can get revenge, The Black Hand takes his own life, allowing Sauron to possess his body.

Bathed in flame and wielding his mighty mace, Sauron is an imposing sight. Everything about Talion’s journey has culminated to this moment, with players now about to fight one of the most iconic villains ever created.

To the disappoint of everyone, however, players didn't get to fight Sauron. Rather, this boss fight plays out through a series of quick time events that, while visually impressive, removed all the fun and challenge in what should have been an epic conclusion to an epic game.

Thankfully, Tolkien fans could face Sauron for real in the Bright Lord DLC.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.