10 Best Video Game Easter Eggs Of 2017

8. Original Trilogy Characters Cameo In Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect Andromeda

Despite being a clean break for the Mass Effect franchise, the disappointing Andromeda still featured cameos by some beloved original trilogy characters in a seemingly otherwise uninteresting side-quest.

Allowing you to listen to reports by Liara T'Soni, the player can catch up on what the Asari scientist was working on prior to, and during, the events of the original saga. In the context of the game, the population of the Arks travelling to the Andromeda galaxy have no idea what's happening back in the Milky Way, and these relayed messages detail the progress of the Reaper War.

A bunch of crew mates from the first three games show up to deliver heartfelt messages to the escaped population, and the eventual realisation that all hope is lost is genuinely heartbreaking. Although it amounts to less than half an hour of content, these messages prove how well-realised the heroes of the previous games were, and how much the new cast paled in comparison.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3