10 Best Video Game Levels Of The Decade

2. Assimilation - INSIDE

inside game

Conveying just how filthy, grimy and powerfully affecting INSIDE's final moments are is nigh-on impossible through text, because it's a build-up and release from that game's oppressive atmosphere.

To this day, developers Playdead have never officially explained what the hell the game is really about, but that's the point.

All that matters is how you feel while playing it, and the entirety of INSIDE is mired in this Orwellian feel; an industrial environment with one small boy making his way through, only to realise office workers and officials inside the game's factory are staring at a horrifying blob of humans, connected as one.

The game's final level involves assimilating with this creation, and wreaking violent, bloody havok. It's a perfect visual metaphor for hierarchal insurrection, and the rush of power you feel "controlling the mob" is unlike anything else.

INSIDE remains one of this generation's finest masterpieces, and it's all from moments like this.

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