10 Best Video Game RPGs Of 2014

8. South Park: The Stick Of Truth

Despite the long and arduous development process that South Park: The Stick of Truth went through, including a publisher switch to UbiSoft following the demise of THQ in 2013, it managed to rise above that and become one of 2014's best releases. It captured the reckless spirit of the show perfectly, feeling like a playable episode of the series and regaining a sense of authenticity that the actual show has been lacking in recent years. The ability to walk around the infamous quiet, little mountain town was one of the keys to the success of the game. It's a thrilling combination of visual fidelity and trademark wit, reflecting the South Park humor that we've come to expect. It also managed to throw in a lot of that subversive mocking of the video game medium itself, allowing it to come full circle with the tv show and create an absolutely stellar experience on every front.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.