10 Best Video Game Trailers Of All Time

1. Dead Island Reveal Trailer

This Dead Island reveal trailer was so good that it caused players to feel cheated when they finally got their hands on the game, as it was nowhere near as profound and layered an experience as they expected. So, technically, it is a poor trailer by that account as it sells you the wrong thing, but it's one hell of an emotional experience.

The trailer plays out more like a heart-wrenching short film than a commercial, as it tells the story of a family's vacation turning into a chaotic zombie death fest, all in reverse. The image of the little girl victim and the father who fights to protect her is enough on its own, but the clever idea to start at the end and work backwards adds a unique and tragic layer, as you know they won't make it out alive.

Then, to add insult to injury, after the dust has settled, it shows you some home filmed footage of the family before this chaos ensued. It is an absolute tear-jerker, and you'd have to be as heartless as the zombies themselves not to get at least a little emotional over this gut-punch of a trailer.

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