10 Best Video Game Weapons Hidden In DLC

4. Sword Of Transitus - Rage 2

Bloodborne Whirligig Saw

Roughly six months after Rage 2 hit the market, to wildly mixed reviews no less, Bethesda released their second DLC, TerrorMania, for $5. The expansion introduced players to a new locale, the Deadlands, while most intriguingly allowing them to unlock a badass new weapon - the Sword of Transitus.

Described as an "ancient relic of unspeakable power," the Sword of Transitus can both unlock pathways between worlds and more importantly tear through foes of just about any size without much fuss.

This is especially true once the sword is fully upgraded with an array of traversal and attack abilities, allowing you to dash around and render most any combat encounter trivial.

You're also able to use the Sword of Transitus in the rest of the game world from this point, including New Game Plus, yet considering the relatively polarising response to Rage 2 upon release, many no doubt wished the sword had been available since day one to help spice the base game up a little.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.