10 Best Video Game Weapons Hidden In DLC

2. Whirligig Saw - Bloodborne

Bloodborne Whirligig Saw

We couldn't just limit this list to a single FromSoftware game, especially with Bloodborne offering up one of the developer's all-time best-loved weapons - the Whirligig Saw.

The Whirligig Saw is introduced in the game's The Old Hunters DLC, and will let you turn just about any base game enemy into shreds of quivering meat.

Its status as a trick weapon allows it to transform from a long-handed mace into a saw-on-a-stick, the latter proving particularly satisfying due to the ridiculous amount of stylish damage it can mete out.

As strength weapons go, Bloodborne has no immediately superior options, and there's a firm argument to be made that it's simply the best and most effective weapon in the entire damn game.

As with other weapons on this list, some purists ultimately opt against using it because they feel it makes the game too easy and prevents players from actually engaging their brain to defeat bosses.

That said, rending a giant monster into pulled pork with a comically oversized pizza cutter is a gleeful pleasure that speaks very much for itself.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.