10 Best Video Games Ever Made (Until You Played Them Again)

7. Donkey Kong 64


Rare were the masters of the 3D platformer back in the day. Armed with one of the most creative art and design teams on the market, and a solid formula to build all their games from, Rare ensured the N64 was the go-to console for platforming. And the logical conclusion for their tried and true formula was Donkey Kong 64.

While a critical and commercial success though, Donkey Kong 64 is not an entry many Rare fans go back to years later. This is likely because they have lives, and Donkey Kong 64 is one of the biggest time sinks in gaming history.

This game will waste all of your time on pointless busywork and padding, and even aside from this, its precisely 5 hours longer than it needed to be. All five of the playable characters in Donkey Kong 64 have their own collectibles, that ONLY they can pick up, which means a lot of backtracking to get what you need to progress.

Then there are the minigames, many of which are mandatory, which sucks because a lot of them are straight-up awful. Veterans of this game, specifically the damned fools who attempt to speed-run, will tell you the horror stories of Beaver Bother.

All in all, there are MUCH better Rare games out there.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?